Partecipazione e conflitto - Cover
ISSN: 1972-7623 (print)
ISSN: 2035-6609 (online)
DOI Prefix: 10.1285/i20356609

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CiteScore; 2,00
SJR: 0,285
SNIP: 0,498
Best Quartile: Q2/70%

(Google Scholar):
h-index: 35
g-index: 54
h-index norm: 30

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Partecipazione e Conflitto [Participation and Conflict] is an International Journal based in Italy specialized in social and political studies.

PACO houses research and studies on the transformations of politics and its key players (political parties, interest groups, social movements, associations, unions, etc.), focusing in particular on the dynamics of participation both by individuals acting in conventional ways, and by those who prefer protest-oriented repertoires of action.

Special attention is also paid to the dynamics of transformation of contemporary political systems, with an eye fixed on the processes of democratization besides on the spaces opening to the new forms of governance both at local and sub-national, and supra-national level.

All are inscribed in that complex phenomenon represented by the trans-nationalization of social, political and economic processes, without neglecting the nation-state dimension.

The journal emphasizes innovative studies and research of high methodological rigor, treasuring of the most recent theoretical and empirical contributions in social and political sciences.

The NEW SERIES of PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO starts in 2014. Every issue is published in English, available in electronic and open access version. Anyhow in the Archives section it is possible to consult the contents of all issues published since 2008 accessing abstracts and previews of every article from the webpage of the Old Publisher. By clicking the following link you can read some more information about Our History.




  • The Journal is published in three issues for year (March, July, and November).
  • PACO is rated CLASS A by the Italian Academic Research Evaluation Agency (Anvur) for the area 14 (Sociology and Political Science).
  • After a rigorous double blind peer review process, publication in PACO is free of charge
  • Access to the journal is free but REGISTRATION on the website allows to receive every news from PACO









Climate Mobilities. Redefining Statehood, Citizenship, and Refugeehood in times of climate crisis

Editors: Francesca Rosignoli, Eurac Research; Susana Borrás, Universitat Rovira i Virgili; Alexandra Tomaselli, Eurac Research; Federica Cittadino, Eurac Research
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The Infrapolitics of Repression

Edited by:Thomas Chevallier, Université Catholique de Louvain; Pascale Dufour, Université de Montréal; Joëlle Dussault, City University of New York; Julien Talpin, CNRS
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Communicative Resilience: Civil Society's Response to Information Disorders

Edited by Dafne Calvo (University of Valencia) and Maria Iranzo-Cabrera (University of Valencia)

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The return of the Palestinian question in the Arab world and beyond

Edited by Haoues Seniguer (Science Po Lyon) and Francesco Cavatorta (Université Laval)

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Gender-Based Violence and Migration: Political Conflict, Intersectionality, and Contentious politics

Guest editors:

Alicia Castillo Villanueva (Dublin City University) and Arpita Chakraborty (Dublin City University)

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More Announcements...

Vol. 17, No. 3 (2024). Special issue on: "New Ideological Conflicts"

Guest Editors: Manuel Anselmi, Mattia Diletti, Melissa Mongiardo


New Ideological Conflicts. Trends, Actors and New Networks Details     PDF
Manuel Anselmi, Mattia Diletti, Melissa Mongiardo 593-600

Special Issue

Back to the Future. Socialism and Nationalism as Tools for Political Legitimization Details     PDF
Flaminia Saccà, Natalya Velikaya 601-628

Times of Crises: Ideology and Party System Transformations in Spain Details     PDF
Francesco Campolongo, Jose Javier Olivas Osuna 629-646

The Role of Right-Wing Think Tanks in Ideological Hybridizations. The Case of Burke Foundation Details     PDF
Mattia Diletti 647-660

Opposite Universes. A Focus on the Ideological Polarization of the Italian Electorate Details     PDF
Melissia Mongiardo, Marco Palmieri 661-681

Competing Articulation of National Belonging Vis-à-Vis Immigration: South Africa, Czechia and Slovakia Compared Details     PDF
Ondřej Filipec, Valerie Kondo, Lucie Macková 682-701

Value Conflicts and the (Post) Democratic Constellation of Society Details     PDF
Hans-Jörg Trenz 702-716

Open Section

How Do Radical Left Parties Frame the Nation? A Comparison Between Greece, Spain and France Details     PDF
Lazaros Karavasilis, Jacopo Custodi, Laura Chazel 717-738

Taking a Detour to Travel Farther Afield: Reconstructing Collaborative Collective Action Networks through Documentary Traces of Events Details     PDF
Alejandro Ciordia, Aurora Perego 739-757

Book Reviews

Davide Riccardi and Jairo Agudelo Taborda (2024), Más allá de los ideales. La política de ayuda exterior de Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea en Colombia (1998-2016), Editorial Uninorte-Editorial Bonaventuriana. Details     PDF
Giulio Levorato 758-760

Sebastiano Citroni (2022), L'associarsi quotidiano. Terzo settore in cambiamento e società civile. Milano: Meltemi. Details     PDF
Laura Centemeri 761-766

Andrea Millefiorini (2024), Politica. Concetti per una definizione, Milano: Mondadori Università. Details     PDF
Giovanni Barbieri 767-770

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e-ISSN: 2035-6609