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Marija Sniečkutė
University of Amsterdam
Marija Sniečkutė, European studies, University of Amsterdam, Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam, the Netherlands, [email protected]. She is a PhD Researcher at the department of European Studies, University of Amsterdam, and has recently worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Groningen for the project EXCEPTIUS: Exceptional powers in time of Sars-CoV crisis. She has an academic background in Argumentation and Philosophy (University of Amsterdam), Sociology and Criminology (Vilnius University). Sniečkutė is an affiliate of the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies and a member of the Huizinga Institute. Her research focuses on nationalism, populism, political communication, cultural history, and discourse analysis. Lately, she wrote articles for the Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe (2018) and a chapter “Values in Populism and Argumentative Counter-Strategies: the Case of Viktor Orbán” in Vox Populi: Populism as a Rhetorical and Democratic Challenge (2020).
Inga Gaižauskatė
Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences
Inga Gaižauskatė, A. Goštauto str. 9, LT-01108, Vilnius, Lithuania, [email protected]. She is is a sociologist, currently working as a Junior Researcher in the Institute of Sociology at the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences, Lithuania. Her main areas of research interests include democratization, social and political trust, intergenerational relationships as well as developments of social research methodology. She is a co-author of two handbooks on research methodology for university students and a number of scientific publications in the fields of her research interests. Since 2018, she is a board member of International Sociological Association’s RC33 “Logic and Methodology in Sociology”. Gaižauskaitė is also engaged as a promoter of academic integrity and currently is a board member of European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI).
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