The dynamics of motivation and informal English exposure. Evidence from a case study


This qualitative case study investigates the dynamic nature of motivation in language learning, grounded in Dörnyei and Ushioda’s L2 Motivational Self-System theory. This framework emphasises complexity arising from patterns rather than simple cause-and-effect relationships, focusing on motivational thinking rather than viewing motivation as a fixed entity. Data are open-ended interviews. The participants consist of 26 university students attending various undergraduate and graduate courses at a medium-sized university in Southern Italy. The findings highlight the intricate and multifaceted influences of social and family relationships, internal factors, and learning experiences on extramural English exposure, while also revealing emerging patterns in students’ motivational thinking. The data underscore the pivotal role of teachers in fostering or diminishing motivation to learn a second language (L2) during childhood and adolescence. A significant similarity in experiences was noted during the transition from adolescence to adulthood, indicating a release from perceived external pressures from parents and teachers. By contrast, a distinct pattern of difference was observed in how teachers affected students’ motivation. Effective teachers inspire students, while encounters with pedagogically challenged teachers do not always lead to demotivation. Some learners proactively seek alternative means, such as non-formal instruction, to enhance their language proficiency. This transition marks a significant shift in students’ motivational landscape, as many began taking ownership of their language learning, aligning with their Ideal L2 Self. Additionally, a causal pattern emerged regarding the role of media in motivating language learning, with video games and English-language videos cited as catalysts for interest in the language. These media sources evoked positive emotions and sustained motivation. A motivational pattern related to the frequent exposure to video was also observed during the COVID-19 lockdowns, with students increasing their use of video-based content over reading, a shift interpreted as a reaction to the pandemic and its associated restrictions, which decreased their attention levels.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v66p105

Keywords: informal language exposure; English as L2; motivation; L2 Motivational Self- System


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