Lingue e Linguaggi is a peer-reviewed international journal which focuses on the description of natural languages and forms of communication. The journal is concerned with a range of languages, including English, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian, Albanian, and their varieties, from the linguistic, literary, and cultural perspectives, in their synchronic and diachronic dimensions. The journal publishes original articles and book reviews. Lingue e Linguaggi is published twice a year. Besides ordinary issues, special issues devoted to a special topic may be published. All articles go through double-blind review processes.
Journal indexing: MLA; EBSCO; DOAJ; ROAD; Google Scholars
Important information - Informazioni importanti |
Lingue e Linguaggi publishes two ordinary volumes and a few issues per year. Please contact the Journal Manager for information about special issues. As for ordinary volumes, we strongly suggest to submit papers in the months of January or July. Please, see Author's Guidelines and templates before submitting a paper or a Special Issue proposal. Lingue e Linguaggi pubblica due volume ordinari e un numero limitato di volumi monotematici (Special Issue) all'anno. Per informazioni sulle Special Issue, contattare il Journal Manager. Per quanto riguarda i volumi ordinari, si suggerisce agli autori di inviare il proprio contributo nei mesi di gennaio e luglio. Si prega di leggere le Norme Editoriali (Author's Guidelines) e di scaricare l'apposito template prima di inviare una proposta di volume monotematico o un articolo. |
Posted: 2017-06-02 | |
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e-ISSN: 2239-0359