Didattica della mediazione in lingua cinese. Un terreno da esplorare


This contribution explores a little-analysed topic in the teaching of the Chinese language, although increasingly widespread and required at European level, namely the teaching of mediation skills. Although numerous European scholars have already carried out studies on the subject, in China there is not a univocal definition of the terms “mediation” and “mediator” and the teaching of mediation is not included in language course programmes. Firstly, starting from the analysis of the existing literature, we will try to identify the most correct and widespread definition of “linguistic and cultural mediator” in Chinese. Secondly, we will propose a teaching method for the training of Chinese language students of University degree courses in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation: starting from already existing proposals for European languages, we will adapt practices, exercises and materials to the specific case of the Chinese language. In particular, we will focus on a method that facilitates the acquisition of domain-specific Chinese for the public services, as well as the development of mediation skills and strategies. Finally, we will present some materials designed specifically for the Chinese language and the results of an educational laboratory aimed at testing these materials.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v63p271


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