Shakespeare on the Stage for the Screen and Collaborative Translation: Cesare deve morire


The objective of this study is focused on translating “for the stage” and, more specifically, the collaborative dimension in the field of translation for a yet-to-be mise en scène. After reflecting on the collaboration between several individuals in theatrical translation, this paper will examine on the feature-length film directed by the Taviani brothers that focuses on one of the Rebibbia theatrical experiences and more specifically on the work of the director and screenwriter, Fabio Cavalli. The aim is to understand how a Shakespearean text became a Julius Caesar staging within prison walls and later the transposition of the film Cesare deve morire, through a series of translations and retranslations where several participants were involved. The analysis of the translated work and the direct account of the theatre director will provide useful insights and understanding.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v52p177

Keywords: collaborative translation; theatre translation; Shakespeare; regional languages; Cesare deve morire


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