Traduzione audiovisiva e accessibilità. Riflessioni a partire da alcuni conflitti epistemici in ambito formativo


Over the past few years, the question of accessibility has become a central driver in Audiovisual Translation and, through this area, has spread into the field of Translation Studies. However, the ways in which accessibility is discussed and framed within Audiovisual Translation are not neutral. Following a short introduction to threshold concepts theory, the results of an investigation on threshold concepts conducted with a group of postgraduate Audiovisual Translation students are discussed. I then elaborate on some of their replies, which highlight a series of epistemic conflicts. I discuss how those conflicts may be related to the different ways that accessibility is introduced and discussed in AVT education. In the conclusion, I briefly discuss how such conflicts are connected to different ways of interpreting the claim that (audiovisual) translation is accessibility, and I argue in favour of a weak interpretation of said claim.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v43p183

Keywords: accessibility studies; audiovisual translation; audiovisual translation education; media accessibility; threshold concepts


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