Rappresentatività e variazione linguistica nella traduzione audiovisiva


The underrepresentation of ethnic and linguistic minorities, as well as their stereotyped images, are intrinsic to US society, which seems to want them to disappear in order to survive (Macedo 2013). These minorities are often absent from the screens, and when they appear, they are transformed into stereotypes and used as diegetic devices that the public is able to recognise. Even when the films are produced by minorities, they often end up reinforcing these stereotypes while trying to explain or confute them, ultimately surrendering to their social marginality. Indeed, these representations emerge from policies aiming to delete ethnic difference by stigmatising linguistic (Lippi-Green 1997) or social ones (Bender 2003). The power of cinema lays in its ability to shape memory and reality, actively contributing to social and individual narrations (Fluck 2003). In this sense, translation also plays a crucial role in re-presenting minority images to the target audience (van Doorslaer et al. 2016). The aim of this article is to tackle the issue of minority translation as a way to ensure them access to a broader public, in order to present the latter with their own voice and language. More specifically, this article explores the representativity issue as a matter of access by providing answer to the question: what does access mean for a discriminated minority?

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v43p119

Keywords: audiovisual translation; minorities; linguistic variation; representativity; access


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