Vincoli intertestuali-intersemiotici in Naked People di A. Astvacaturov. Analisi, percezione, scelte traduttive


This study aims to continue research on cinema “intexts” (Torop 1995, It. Transl. 2010, also known as crossmedial relations (Fateeva 2007)) in Russian contemporary literture, focusing on their translation and underlining the primary importance of their analysis and function in the source text. The current research develops from previous work centered on cinema intertextuality in M. Elizarov’s novel Cartoons (Marcucci 2015a) and, secondarily, in E. Popov’s Internet novel Arbeit. A broad canvas (Marcucci 2015b). The current study follows up on this research by investigating Andrey Astvatsaturov’s novel Naked People (translated by the author) and pursuing three aims.

1. Analyze the types of intexts (which films does the author refer to? From which period? Of wich genres?) and the strategies used by the author to insert in his text references to other texts belonging to the cinema semiotic system, in which iconic signs have a primary role.

2. Explore the functions of these intexts.

3. Reflect on the operations to carry out when such texts are translated into a different linguacultural universe, specifically the Italian one. Here, the main focus will shift onto the translator’s role and task.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v39p281

Keywords: intertextuality; cinema intexts; translation studies; Russian contemporary literature; iconic sign.


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