The process of knowledge dissemination


Considering the cognitive nature of knowledge and its dynamic dialogic features, this contribution explores three lines of inquiry: the analysis of models built to visually represent the process of knowledge dissemination, the relationship between knowledge dissemination and discourse, and lastly the interrelation between knowledge dissemination and ethical issues. The models analyzed have been built within disciplines other than linguistics, but evidence is provided that they can be also applied to language analysis and its communicative purposes. Indeed, most of the models include ‘language’ as the interface between knowledge dissemination and disciplinary contents. On the other hand, linguists are interested in language analysis as a tool to transmit knowledge through appropriate strategies. The need for this cooperative principle and interaction in knowledge exchange, together with the enlargement of communities of practice and discourse, is shown in this contribution. Ethics plays a big role in knowledge dissemination, especially as communication technologies have significantly amplified the risk of developing false information and unethical attitudes. This aspect is discussed with reference to the fields of medicine, law and economics. The concluding reflections lead to underlining contacts and connections between linguistics and other domains, particularly from a methodological point of view. Although a unification of knowledge is unthinkable, interdisciplinarity is necessary to get a broader understanding of some aspects of knowledge and overcome disciplinary fragmentation.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v34p15

Keywords: knowledge dissemination; transmission models; knowledge dissemination and discourse; interdisciplinarity


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