Influenza della primavera araba sul lessico arabo e italiano


The Arab Spring has carried out radical changes in the political system of several Arab countries like Egypt. Due to the Arab spring in Egypt, new terms have become part of the Arabic language and existing words have acquired a particular meaning; the Italian language also goes along with this, producing equivalent terms, despite the non-congruence between the two languages. This work is a linguistic study that concerns the semantic and lexical evolution in terms and entire phrases in Egypt before and after 25 January 2011. The study aims at shedding light on the etymology of the Arab lexemes and their meaning and the particular meaning acquired during the events of the Arab Spring with the aim of clarifying the cause of its formation. It is particularly difficult to translate them in the Italian press that uses more than one translation strategy to ensure as much as possible the fidelity and clarity of the text. Therefore, in this contribution we have examined the direct translation strategies thoroughly, such as loan word, calque and literal translation, sometimes followed by a paraphrase, useful for making explicit a new concept to a foreign reader.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v39p201

Keywords: Arab Spring; loan word; calque; literal translation; paraphrase.


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