L’essere molteplice. Macunaíma tra interferenza e indifferenza


Abstract – A "citational" and at the same time very original work, Macunaíma o herói sem nenhum caráter represents the (auto)ironic and, at the same time, (self)compliant mirror in which a Brazilian identity reflects itself - a longly sought for identity, at least since the second decade of the nineteenth century. Therefore, a fatally modernist text, yet stuffed with different and distanced times and places: a work that combines the archaic and the present in an inextricable mixture that demarcates, as a lower limit – although not datable –, the dimension of the Contemporary English.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v32p17

Keywords: Macunaíma; Metamorphosis; Myth; Archaism; Modernity


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