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Larissa D'Angelo
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
LARISSA DANGELO is a Researcher of English at the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Communication Studies and at the Department of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Bergamo. She specialized in English Language in the USA (Youngstown State University), obtaining an MA, a TESOL Certificate and a Certificate in Children?s and Young Adult Literature and she later obtained a PhD in Applied Linguistics at the University of Reading (UK). Her main research interests deal with synchronic/diachronic analyses of gender and cultural identity variation in academic discourse as well as multimodal genres employed in academic discourse. She is an active member of the Research Centre on Languages for Specific Purposes (CERLIS), of the University of Bergamo and since 2006 she has been involved in several national inter-academic Research Projects on academic language and discourse funded by the Italian Ministry of Education.
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