Mündliche Vermittlung juristischen Wissens am Beispiel eines Erklärfilms


Abstract – The article outlines some aspects of knowledge communication when popularizing legal contents. The study concerns a video (Erklärfilm) published on the website of BAMF (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge), which explains the measures the German Public Administration took to manage the massive migration flow towards Germany. Legal issues such as the right of asylum and repatriation conditions are clarified by means of different semiotic resources, i.e. oral, textual and visual elements. The present investigation focuses on oral communication, which is described in its main prosodic and syntactic features. In the discussion of results, it is shown that the oral transmission of knowledge has an important role in persuading the public opinion about the efficiency of the implemented procedures to receipt and integrate migrants.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v21p41

Keywords: Knowledge Communication; Legal discourse; Popularisation; Oral language; Prosody and Syntax.


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