La rappresentazione in linguaggio della GIUSTIZIA come FIABA. Modelli argomentativi della discriminazione nella cultura digitale francese e italiana


Abstract - People think in terms of mental models. Johnson-Laird says that the limits of our models are the limits of our world (1988, p. 470). One of the central models in our life is that of fairy-tales. In most everyday situations, at work, at home, in public or private spaces, there is a persecutor, a victim and a rescuer (as described by Karpman 1968 and later works). This fairy-tale structure can be applied to other fields as well. In contemporary Italian and French digital culture one of the most frequent uses of the fairy-tales dynamic can be verified in web-forums where users speak out against immigration to justify the right of an innocent Victim (position assumed the arguing speaker) to defend oneself against the Persecutor (the immigrants) or to ask the Rescuer for help. The ‘story of self-defense’ and the ‘story of rescue’ are the two narrative structures found in all classical fairy-tales. In this paper we are going to show that the speech-acts used in web-based arguments against immigration and those used in classical fairy-tales are the same, and that the performance of the argumentation is corresponding to the narrative features of the specific natural language used in the fairy-tale (here Italian and French). We will try to show that the (im)moral grounds of discrimination speech depend on a cultural mental model which is related to the specific natural language framing it.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v17p155

Keywords: Linguistics; Argumentation theory; Metaphors; Discrimination; Fairy tale


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