The television cameras of RAI shoot the ecologists of the University of Lecce on the beautiful blue Danube


Unique in the world for environmental characteristics and naturalistic value, the delta of the Danube has been discovered by the television cameras of the television national channel, (i.e., RAI 3), during the programme "Levante". The short RAI documentary was aimed at revealing to the great public the exceptional ecological importance of this natural reserve included in the international system of the biosfera reserves. During the television programme, the telecameras have been directed to a team of researchers of the Department of the Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies of the University of Lecce, national reference point of the Environmental Agencies for the transitional aquatic ecosystems. The ecology group of the University of Lecce, with the coordination of Professor Alberto Basset, is testing new and innovative tools with the aim of monitoring, preserve and manage the transitional aquatic ecosystems in the Central European Danubian and South-Eastern European Space (CADSES).
Unique in the world for environmental characteristics and naturalistic value, the delta of the Danube has been discovered by the television cameras of the television national channel, (i.e., RAI 3), during the programme "Levante". The short RAI documentary was aimed at revealing to the great public the exceptional ecological importance of this natural reserve included in the international system of the biosfera reserves. During the television programme, the telecameras have been directed to a team of researchers of the Department of the Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies of the University of Lecce, national reference point of the Environmental Agencies for the transitional aquatic ecosystems. The ecology group of the University of Lecce, with the coordination of Professor Alberto Basset, is testing new and innovative tools with the aim of monitoring, preserve and manage the transitional aquatic ecosystems in the Central European Danubian and South-Eastern European Space (CADSES).
Unico al mondo per varietà ambientale e valore naturalistico il delta del Danubio, dichiarato dall’Unesco patrimonio dell’umanità, è stato riscoperto dalle telecamere di RAI 3 nell’ambito del programma "Levante". Il programma seppur di breve durata ha voluto contribuire alla diffusione presso il grande pubblico dell’eccezionale rilevanza ecologica di questa riserva naturale inclusa nel sistema internazionale delle riserve della biosfera.
Unike ne bote per karakteristikat mjedisore dhe vlerat natyrore, delta e Danubit eshte zbuluar nga kamerat televizive te kanalit televiziv kombetar (RAI 3) gjate programit "Levante". Dokumentari i shkurter i RAI synonte te nxirrte ne pah per publikun e gjere rendesine ekologjike te jashtezakonshme te ketij rezervati natyror te perfshire ne sistemin nderkombetar te rezervateve te biosferes. Gjate programit televiziv, telekamerat u drejtuan ne nje ekip kerkuesish te Departamentit te Shkencave Biologjike dhe Mjedisore dhe Teknologjise se Univeristetit te Leçes, pike rreference kombetare e Agjencive Mjedisore per ekosistemet ujrave tranzitor. Grupi i ekologjise se Univeristetit te Leces, nen koordinimin e Professor Alberto Basset, eshte duke provuar instrumentet e reja me synim monitorimin, ruajtjen dhe menaxhimin e ekosistemeve te ujrave tranzitor ne Hapesiren e Danubit te Evropes Qendrore dhe Evropen Juglindore (CADSES).
Уникална в света със своите екологични характеристики и природни ценности, делтата на Дунав беше показана от телевизионните камери на националния телевизионен канал RAI 3 по време на програмата "Levante". Краткият документален филм имаше за цел да покаже на широката публика изключителното екологично значение на този природен резерват, включен в международната мрежа от биосферни резервати. По време на телевизионната програма, камерите бяха насочени към екип от специалисти от отдела за биологични и екологични изследвания и технологии на Университета в Лече. Групата еколози от Университета в Лече, под ръководството на професор Alberto Basset, изпробваха новаторски методи за мониторинг, опазване и управление на преходните води в Централно-Европейското придунавие и Югоизточното Европейско пространство (CADSES).
Unica in lume pentru caracteristicile ambientale si valorile naturalistice, Delta Dunarii a fost descoperita de camerele televiziunii postului national (ex. RAI 3), in cadrul programului "Levante". Scurtul documentar al postului RAI a avut scopul de a releva marelui public importanta ecologica exceptionala acestei reserve naturale inclusa in sistemul international al rezervelor biosferei. In timpul programului de televiziune, telecamerele au fost impreuna cu o echipa de cercetatori ai Departamentului de Stiinte si Tehnologii Biologie si Ambientale al Universitatii din Lecce, punct de referinta national al agentiei de mediu pentru ecosistemele acvatice de tranzitie. Grupul de ecologi al Universitatii din Lecce, sub coordonarea profesorului Alberto Basset, testeaza noi si innovative instrumente avand ca scop monitorizarea, conservarea si administrarea ecosistemelor acvatice de tranzitie in spatiul Central European Danubian si Sud-Est European (CADSES).
Μοναδικό στον κόσμο για τα περιβαλλοντικά του χαρακτηριστικά και τη φυσιογνωστική του αξία, το δέλτα του Δούναβη αποκαλύφθηκε στις τηλεοπτικές κάμερες της εθνικής τηλεόρασης (RAI 3) στο πρόγραμμα "Levante". Το μικρό ντοκιμαντέρ της RAI στόχευε στο να αποκαλύψει στο ευρύ κοινό την εξαιρετική οικολογική σημασία αυτής της φυσικής προστατευόμενης περιοχής που περιλαμβάνεται στα διεθνή προστατευόμενα συστήματα της βιόσφαιρας. Κατά τη διάρκεια του τηλεοπτικού προγράμματος, οι κάμερες έδειξαν μία ομάδα ερευνητών του Τμήματος Βιολογικών και Περιβαλλοντικών Επιστημών και Τεχνολογίας του Πανεπιστημίου του Lecce, ένα εθνικό σημείο αναφοράς των Περιβαλλοντικών Υπηρεσιών για τα μεταβατικά υδατικά οικοσυστήματα. Η οικολογική ομάδα του Πανεπιστημίου του Lecce, κάτω από το συντονισμό του Καθηγητή Alberto Basset, δοκιμάζει νέα και καινοτόμα εργαλεία που έχουν στόχο την διαχρονική παρακολούθηση, την προστασία και τη διαχείριση των μεταβατικών υδατικών οικοσυστημάτων του Δουνάβιου Κεντροευρωπαϊκού και του νοτιοανατολικού Ευρωπαϊκού χώρου (Central European Danubian and South-Eastern European Space - CADSES).

DOI Code: 10.1285/i18252281v5n1p1

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