TWReferenceNET Project "Management and sustainable development of protected transitional waters"


The University of Lecce, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies, has proposed a project, which acronym is TWReferenceNET, directed to the conservation, management of the coastal ecosystems of transition in the Adriatic, Danube and South Eastern area of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea with financing through the Programme of Community Initiative INTERREG III B CADSES (Central, Adriatic, Danubian & South Eastern States).
To Παν/μιο του Lecce, Τμήμα Επιστημών, Βιολογικών Τεχνολογιών και Περιβάλλοντος, έχει προτείνει το έργο, TWReferenceNET που μελετά μεταβατιά οικοσυστήματα στην Αδριατική, στο δέλτα του Δούναβη, στην νοτιοανατολική Μεσόγειο και στη Μαύρη Θάλασσα, που χρηματοδοτήθηκε στα πλαίσια του INTERREG IIIB CADSES.
Universiteti i Lecces, Departamenti i Shkencave dhe Teknologjive Biologjike dhe Mjedisore, ka propozuar nje projekt, TWReferenceNET me qellim studimin e ekosistemeve bregdetare tranzitor te zones se Adriatikut, Danubit dhe ate Jug –Lindore te Mediterranit si dhe te Detit te Zi, te financuar nepermjet Programit INTERREG III B CADSES.
Universitatea Lecce, Departamentul de Stiinte si Tehnologie Biologica si Mediu, a propus un proiect TWReferenceNET pentru a finaliza ecosistemele costiere de tranzitie in zona Adriatica, Dunareana si Sud-Orientala din Mediterana si Marea Neagra de-a lungul proiectului INTERRG IIIB CADSES.
TWReferenceNET is a INTERREG IIIB CADSES project promoting conservation of river mouth ecosystems, lagoons and coastal wetlands, which play a major role in the maintenance of the Biosphere. The project wants to be a bridge between science and society; it already constituted an e-Centre ( as a discussion arena, a source of information, scientific dissemination and services for local communities, people and stake-holders.
The European Union promotes actions of transnational and interregional cooperation to stimulate a balanced and long-lasting harmonious development of the European Space. One of the EU initiatives is the INTERREG Programme, which is directed to improve the territorial integration between the members states, candidate countries and other European countries...
L’Unione Europea promuove azioni di cooperazione transfrontaliera, transnazionale e interregionale volte a incentivare uno sviluppo armonioso equilibrato e duraturo dell’insieme dello spazio comunitario. Una delle iniziative comunitarie è l’INTERREG diretta a migliorare l’integrazione territoriale tra gli stati membri e i paesi candidati ed altri paesi limitrofi grazie alla formazione di grandi gruppi di regioni europee.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i18252281v1n1p2

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