Ricerche faunistiche in acque freatiche del Salento


First results of the biological reseaaches on the underground phreatic systems of the Salentine Peninsula (Apulia), carried out at the Zoological Institute of the University of L' Aquila (Italy), are reported. After passing in review the main literature regarding the past studies on the hypogean systems of this region as well as those of the Apulia, the AA. give some informations about the collecting and studing techniques in the phreatic biocoenosis and a detailed list of all the collecting stations (wells, caves and rain-cisterns) in the examined area. For each station, the geographical, topographical, and the main chemical-pysical characteristics, together with the complete list of the collected materials, are reported.The biological samples include many specialized groups, as amphipods, isopods, copepods, ostracods, gastropods, misidaceans, decapods, etc., which display a remarkable degree of adaptation to the subterranean habitat. Among the collected species the following ones show a great systematic and biogeographical value: Salentinella gracillima, Hadzia minuta, Niphargus gr. orcinus, Spelaeomysis bottazzii, Stygiomysis hydruntina, Typhlocaris salentina, Proasellus sp., Nitocrella sp., Metacyclops stammeri, Metacyclops subdolus, Diacyclops languidoides, Diacyclops crassicaudis, Diacyclops antrincola, Halicyclops sp.Particularly, the following species are for the first time reported from the subterranean waters of the Southern Italy: Niphargus gr. orcinus,Diacyclops crassicaudis, Diac yclops languidoides, Diacyclops bisetosus, Paracyclops fimbriatus, Tropocyclops prasinus, Diacyclops antrincola. Some figures regarding the distribution and the systematic of the main collected species are enclosed.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i15910725v8p3

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