Novità speleologiche,idrologiche e naturalistiche dalla Palude del Capitano (pSIC IT9150013), costa neretina


The speleodivers of the Centro di Speleologia Sottomarina “Apogon ” and the researchers of the Di.S.Te.B.A.-University of Lecce,conducted a joint exploration of the coastal cenote “Palude del Capitano”,with particular attention to the tangled,submerged tunnels that connect this unique aquatic environment to the open sea.The study performed since September 2001 for one year of observations resulted in:a photo-video documentation on the biotope;an exploration and a photo-video-topographic documentation of the tunnels;a periodical control of the physico-chemical water factors in several sites of the aquatic system;a florofaunistic census.12 out of the 35 taxa identi fied were found for the first time in this biotope.Many of them belonged to planctonic micro-(size <200 µm)and macro- fauna (size ≥200 µm).The community lives in particular stable conditions through the whole year.Temperature varies between 18.8 and 21.6 °C;salinity does not exceed over 20.50 0 /00 ;pH was comprised between 7.00 and 7.65.Among the sessile invertebrates,we con firm the presence,near the entrances of the western tunnels, of a conspicuous population of the brackish water hydroid Cordylophora caspia, already observed during a previous study on this biotope.Among ichtiological fauna,the presence of the mediterranean cyprinodontid Aphanius fasciatus has been con firmed as well by this study.This species is included in Annex II and III of the European Council Directive 92/43.The pond is characterised by inconstant hypothermal springs that periodically supply the aquatic ecosystem with underground brackish water.The chemical nature of this water is still unknown,but it most prob- ably results in the sulphuric freshwater even if mixed to the salt water coming from the sea.The explored tunnels open their submerged entrances on the western side of the pond and connect the aquatic system to the sea on an approximate distance of 800 m.It is possible to explore them only for a few m because the tunnels become then narrows and dangerous for the speleodive activity.The “Palude del Capitano” pond is an interesting example of speleogenetic phenomenon of hyperkarstic origin that assumes a remarkable territorial importance.It has been classi fied as a paralic system with a con finament grade ranging from IV to VI.The preservation of this unique aquatic biotope should seriously be taken into consideration by the relevant national competent authorities and be the focus of their attention.
Viene riportato uno studio della Palude del Capitano esteso ai cunicoli sommersi che,dal lato W,collegano questo ambiente al mare aperto distante circa 800 m. La ricerca ha consentito di realizzare una video-documentazione del sito nelle varie stagioni,l’esplorazione della porzione praticabile delle condotte sommerse, il monitoraggio di parametri fisico-chimici dell ’acqua in vari punti,un censimento floro-faunistico.12 dei 35 taxa identi ficati sono stati segnalati per la prima volta in questo biotopo.Gran parte di essi appartiene alla fauna micro-e macroplanctonica.La palude è caratterizzata dalla presenza di sorgenti ad attività intermittente che probabilmente mantengono condizioni stabili durante tutto l’anno.Viene confermata la presenza dell’idroide Cordylophora caspia.Tra i pesci si segnala Aphanius fasciatus ,incluso nella lista delle specie protette secondo la Direttiva 92/43/CEE.sedimenti più recenti.queste ultime sono date dalle Calcareniti di Gravina del Pleistocene inferiore.chiude il ciclo geologico un complesso di depositi di spiaggia e di piana costiera generatisi in fasi eustatico-tettoniche riferibili al Pleistocene superiore.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i15910725v29supp99

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