Il ruolo del carsismo nella valutazione della vulnerabilità potenziale all\' inquinamento degli acquiferi carbonatici dei monti di Palermo


The Monti di Palermo are a Sicilian Segment of the Appenninico-Maghrebide chain, where different tectonic units, primarily made up of calcareous rocks (Late Triassic-Early Oligocene) are present. These calcareous rocks are covered by clay deposits (Flysch Numidico, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene). The tectonic units are characterised by a very complicated geometrical arrangement influencing their geomorphologic features and consequently the groundwater flow and its relationship with the seawater. Calcareous rocks, particularly limestone, are characterised by karstic forms with diversified dimensions and different evolution stadiums. Particularly, the great karstic forms are located on tectonic or morphoselected depressions and along geostructural lines. The water chemical aspects reflect the aquifer rock characteristics (limestone and dolomitic limestone) and the actual hydrogeochemical processes (ionic exchange with argillitic minerals). The large amounts of karstic forms determine a very fast infiltration and groundwater flow. In the Monti di Palermo some hydrostructures are used intensively for the water supply of urban areas and agricultural use. The over exploitation of the hydrostructures has caused great seawater intrusion, present along the coastal zone, fault lines and associated karstic channels.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i15910725v26supp323

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