Sulle tracce della mistica solitaria e "alle soglie" della chiesa di Simone Weil


This article involves discovering the fundamental aspects of Simone Weil's mystical thought. This has been done by examining biographical events such as her contacts with God of 1935, 1937 and 1938 combined with her writings. Upon this examination, it becomes clear that Simone Weil's mystic develops through the relation with necessity (pesanteur) and the need of empty to let in the grace of God by an exercise of attention. Finally, the article highlights the application of Weil's mystical reflection in shaping a new society built on spiritual value of work.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i18285368aXXXIIn95p73

Keywords: Simone Weil; mystic; religious; religion; Christianity; supernatural; work; church

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