Uno, nessuno e centomila. Uno studio sugli atteggiamenti e sull'influenza in psicologia sociale


To comprehend the actions of a single person, from the point of view of social psychology, it is necessary to understand the relationship between individuals and society. First of all, by establishing history and goals of social psychology from its birth to recent times. In this sense, it is impossible not to consider the fundamental contribution of philosophy in defining the existence and the more or less necessary role of the social in the formation and education of the individual, giving rise to the two fundamental orientations of this discipline, namely the one centered on the social and the one centered on the individual. Secondly, deepening the subject of attitudes and their influence on behavior. Through the study of attitudes and social influence it is possible to recognize the relationship existing between the individual and society, in which a reciprocal influence takes place. Even if people remains cognitive conservative the potential for change still exist when a communication has been done between a source and a receiver. Last, but not least, defining the appropriate method so that the psychosocial perspective can be defined as a science. The need for scientific validation, in social psychology as in other disciplines, implies, however, that the use of investigative tools should never be thought of as a rigid application of contexts and techniques, but should represent the expression of choices taken towards an adaptation that the researcher pursues, evaluating the cases in question, with the aim of providing answers capable of increasing the scientific and everyday knowledge of one's own and others. Finally, arriving at a reinterpretation of the original meanings of the Pirandellian work in the light of the psychosocial condition, in which the flow of influences that each day drive the behavior and opinions of the subject involved should be rethought as a guarantee of a necessary exchange for the lymph vital to a journey that is continually progressing, both in science and in everyday life.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i17201632vXXIn37-38p129

Keywords: social psychology; influence; persuasion; attitudes

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