Covid-19 and the Structural Crisis of Liberal Democracies. Determinants and Consequences of the Governance of Pandemic


The pandemic caused by the rapid spread of the Covid-19 virus has revealed impacts well beyond those linked to health. Indeed, it has established itself as what Mauss called a "total social fact", that is, an event that affects every single aspect of society. In this editorial we present some initial reflections on the myriad ways in which the pandemic will affect the State and the relationship between States and citizens as played out in spheres of everyday life. We begin with a brief historical overview of pandemics and the patterns, contradictions and lessons they have left, before looking at the crisis context in which the current pandemic is unfolding. We then take a look at the myriad ways in which the pandemic underlines, emphasises and exacerbates a fundamental rift in the relationship between states and citizens by discussing risk, expertise, communication, de- and re-politicisation and more. We conclude by asking ourselves if - beyond the liberal democracy vs autocracy dichotomy - the Post-Covid scenario may conduce toward a new social contract. Finally, we look to existing sociological work that might provide fruitful in moving forward to address this rift, and provide brief overviews of the contributions in this direction from the authors in this special issue.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20356609v14i1p01

Keywords: Covid-19; Democracy; Everyday Life; Expertise; Governance; Mobilisation; Pandemic; Political Communication; State


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Papers published in this special issue

Amoretti F., A. Cozzolino, and D. Giannone (2021), “Covid-19 Pandemic and the Fiscal Strategy of the International Monetary Fund: Towards New Directions in the Global Political Economy?”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 38-56.

da Silva Nogueira de Melo D., M. Papageorgiou (2021) “Regionalism on the Run: ASEAN, EU, AU and MERCOSUR Responses Amid the COVID-19 Cri”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 57-78.

Park J. (2021), “Governing a Pandemic with Data on the Contactless Path to AI: Personal Data, Public Health, and the Digital Divide in South Korea, Europe and the United States in Tracking of COVID-19”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 79-112.

Burni A., E. Tamaki Denial (2021), “Populist Communication During the Covid-19 Pandemic: the Case of Brazi’s President Bolsonaro”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 113-131.

Fittipaldi R. (2021), “The Rise and Struggle of Presidents during the Coronavirus Emergency: National and Sub-national Evidence in Italy and Spain”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 132-151.

Sniečkutė M., I. Gaižauskatė (2021), “COVID-19 Crisis: Government‘s (Dis)Trust in the People and Pitfalls of Liberal Democracies”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 152-175.

Pedrazzani A., M. Maraffi, S. Guglielmi, F. Biolcati, A.M. Chiesi, G.M. Dotti Sani, R. Ladini, F. Molteni, P. Segatti, and C. Vezzoni

(2021), “Is Democracy Effective against Coronavirus? An Analysis of Citizens’ Opinions in Italy”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 176-201.

Basile L., M. Cilento, and N. Conti (2021), “The Coronavirus Crisis as Catalyst for EU Legitimacy? Italian Public Opinion and the EU during the Pandemic”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 202-220.

Di Mascio F., M. Barbieri, A. Natalini, and D. Selva (2021), “Covid-19 and the Information Crisis of Liberal Democracies: Insights from Anti-Disinformation Action in Italy”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 221-240

Kordas G. (2021), “COVID-19 in Greece: From the Government’s Clash with the Greek Church to the Diffusion of Anti-Mask Supporters”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 241-260.

Boccia Artieri G., F. Greco, and G. La Rocca (2021), “Lockdown and Breakdown in Italians’ Reactions on Twitter during the First Phase of Covid-19”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 261-282.

Sampugnaro R., P. Santoro (2021), “The Pandemic Crisis, Italian Municipalities, and Community Resilience”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 283-301.

Introini F., N. Morelli, and C. Pasqualini (2021), “Neighbours' Conviviality without Gatherings. Social Streets in Times of Lockdown”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 302-320.

Brumat L., V. Finn (2021), “Mobility and Citizenship during Pandemics: The Multilevel Political Responses in South America”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 321-340.

Dimari G. (2021), “The Emergence of a New Security Apparatus in Greece: The Securitization of the Refugee/Covid-19 Crisis Nexus”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 341-358.

Della Rosa A. (2021), “How the Invisibles Become Essentials: Migrant Workers’ Rights in Italy during a Pandemic Crisis”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 14(1): 359-372.

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