Re-Connecting Voices. The (New) Strategic Role of Public Sector Communication After the Covid-19 Crisis


This article aims to investigate the evolution of public sector communication before and after the Covid-19 crisis that has strongly impacted governmental institutions, public policy, contemporary society, and media ecologies. After a review of the main characteristics of public sector communication, the article proposes an interpretative and dynamic model to better understand the new challenges for public institutions. The model introduces ethics as the new, primary driver for public sector communication to surround all decisions, pointing out the need for transparent, authentic participation and dialogue to build trust. Focusing on two dimensions (trust/distrust, openness/closedness), the authors investigate the main trajectories of change for public sector communication, conceiving the three pillars of open government (transparency, participation and collaboration) as strategic values for improving the quality and efficacy of communication. In this time of uncertainty, the new trajectories of communication should fully embrace an ethical approach in order to become resilient, able to respond to citizens' needs and expectations, and to maintain responsible relationships with media, varied strategic publics, and a rapidly changing global community.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20356609v13i2p970

Keywords: public sector communication; ethics; social media; public relations; Covid-19; open government; sociology of communication; transparency


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Papers published in this Special Issue

Bartoletti R. and F. Faccioli (2020), “Civic Collaboration and Urban Commons. Citizen’s Voices on a Public Engagement Experience in an Italian City”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 13(2): 1132-1151.

Bowen S.A. and R.L. Health (2020), “Intelligences in Strategic Issues Management: Challenging the Mutually Beneficial Relationships Paradigm”, Partipazione e conflitto, 13(2): 1002-1021.

Chock T.M. and S. Jung Kim (2020), “U.S Audiences’ Perceptions of Covid-19 and Conservative News Frames”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 13(2): 1180-1189.

Chon M-G., H. Lee, and J-N Kim (2020), “Values of Government Public Relations for a Rocky Road to Participatory Democracy: Testing Public Engagement, Empowerment, and Serenity Hypotheses in Public Sector Communication”, Parecipazione e conflitto, 13(2): 1110-1131.

Coombs W.T. (2020), “Public Sector Crises: Realizations from Covid-19 for Crisis Communication”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 13(2): 990-1001.

De Blasio E., C. Colasanti, and D. Selva (2020), “Public Communication and the Barriers to Participation: The Case of Rome from an Open Government Perspective”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 13(2): 1152-1167.

Ducci G., L. Materassi, and L. Solito (2020), “Re-Connecting Scholars’ Voices: An historical Review of Public Communication in Italy and New Challenges in the Open Government Framework”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 13(2): 1062-1084.

Greenwood C.A. (2020), “‘I Was Just Doing My Job!’ Evolution, Corruption, and Public Relations in Interviews with Government Whistleblowers”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 13(2): 1042-1061.

Leone S. and M. Della Mura (2020), “Institutional Flows of Communication for Young People on Istagram and the Use of Visual Images”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 13(2): 1085-1109.

Lukacovic M.N. (2020), “Framing Events of Political Violence within Peace Journalism and Internet User-Generated Comments: Effects on Readers’ Emotions and Contemplation of Broader Implications”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 13(2): 1022-1041.

Marinelli A. and S. Parisi (2020), “(Smart) City and the (Open) Data. A Critical Approach to a Platform-driven Urban Citizenship”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 13(2): 1168-1179.

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