La co-valutazione degli apprendimenti negli ecosistemi scolastici: il contributo della metodologia New WebQuest.


Abstract: Promoting formative assessment, assessment for learning, and assessment as learning among the school systems requires a comparison with the perspective of the transformative assessment and dealing with both the sustainability issues and the debate about the educational paradigms. Within the human development model as revised, corrected, and purged from any antropocentric and self-centred boundaries, the transformativity in the assessment dimension tends to merge on single individual dynamics and the learning community in the sign of an “ecosystemic relationship” which opposes an “intentional relationship”. The New WebQuest methodology gives a valid contribution in this regard, as its co-assessment structural applications showed during the pandemic.Keywords: transformative assessment; ecosystemic relationship; New WebQuest.


La promozione nei sistemi scolastici della valutazione formativa, della valutazione per l’apprendimento e della valutazione come apprendimento richiede di confrontarsi con la prospettiva della valutazione trasformativa e di rapportarsi tanto alla sfida della sostenibilità quanto al dibattito sui paradigmi educativi. Entro un modello rivisto e corretto dello sviluppo umano, epurato dai limiti antropocentrici e individualistici, la trasformatività della dimensione valutativa tende a convergere con una modalità di funzionamento del singolo e della comunità educante nel segno di una “relazionalità ecosistemica” che si contrappone a una “relazionalità intenzionale”. La metodologia didattica New WebQuest offre un valido contributo in tal senso, come dimostrano in particolare le applicazioni della caratteristica strutturale della co-valutazione nel periodo pandemico.

Promoting formative assessment, assessment for learning, and assessment as learning among the school systems requires a comparison with the perspective of the transformative assessment and dealing with both the sustainability issues and the debate about the educational paradigms. Within the human development model as revised, corrected, and purged from any antropocentric and self-centred boundaries, the transformativity in the assessment dimension tends to merge on single individual dynamics and the learning community in the sign of an “ecosystemic relationship” which opposes an “intentional relationship”. The New WebQuest methodology gives a valid contribution in this regard, as its co-assessment structural applications showed during the pandemic.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i24995835v2023n18p240

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