Presencia de léxico coloquial en las entrevistas de Jordi Évole: estudio de corpus


Jordi Évole, a Spanish journalist mainly known for his interview program Salvados –a broadcast by the La Sexta network– has revitalized the interview genre by promoting ease and naturalness. These characteristics appear both in the choice of the location for the interview and in the casual and relaxed approach to the interaction with the interviewee. From a linguistic point of view, the lexicon used by the journalist is strongly colloquial, sometimes far from the traditional formality of this type of communicative exchanges. The colloquial vocabulary used in the program is one of its keys to success, since it emphasizes the identification between the public and the journalist through a constant use of words and expressions of common speech, including interjections and a vulgar lexicon. Starting from a corpus formed by the transcription of a series of interviews from the Salvados program, we will quantitatively and qualitatively analyze the lexicon used by Évole with the methodological tools offered by Corpus Linguistics.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v65p211

Keywords: colloquial lexicon; journalistic interview; Salvados; Évole; Corpus Linguistics


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