Bo Derek et Lady Macbeth? Ce n’est pas du cinéma... Termes, métaphores et images dans la terminologie économique et financière


This paper aims at analysing the discourse dynamics related to the interlinguistic transfer of a corpus of metaphorical terms in the economic and financial field from English to French and Italian. The analogical nature of metaphorical terms traditionally represents a guarantee of clearness as far as concept comprehension is generally concerned. This clearness is actually only apparent, as the metaphorical interaction exerts its pressure with the same force on all the convened concepts and produces the creation of a new notion, which very often moves away from its original matrices and which undergoes modifications, or even semantic distortions, through usage in specialized contexts. Yet, the conceptual framing produced by metaphor can still play an important role in specialised communication and in social imaginary. This process is further amplified when these terms are transferred (by translation or borrowing) into other language and cultures, this transfer bringing into question the (un)translatable nature of these metaphorical terms, as well as the "semantic nebula" surrounding them, their cultural-bound nature and consequently the reception of the underlying concepts by the audience of the target language/culture. The study of a corpus of recently created metaphorical terms in the three languages (English, French, Italian) will allow us to trace this process in detail.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v49p239

Keywords: terminological metaphor; terminology translation; metaphorical interaction; economic and financial terminology; cultural-bound terminology


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