Su un processo di designazione di ruolo di genere in contesto albanofono. Per una riflessione linguistica interculturale


The Albanian and more widely Balkan phenomenon of burrneshat is paradigmatic for the study of gender-based designation and its relation to translation. The term often occurs together with another, virgjinesha, with which it is related as a synonym. The two terms in Italian lack an immediate translation and are widely rendered in the feminine form, the first with “burnesha” and the second with “sworn virgins”. In the present work, in the broader framework of a reflection on the designation connected to the role of gender, we propose to value the cues that, from a linguistic perspective, can be drawn from some of these translations.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v46p225

Keywords: burrneshat; virgjinesha; role identity; Albanian language; linguistics.


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