Sfide accessibili oggi. Riflessioni sui sottotitoli per non udenti e sull’audiodescrizione


This contribution contains some reflections on two accessible translating modalities, subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing and audio description. It aims to reflect on some open challenges by commenting on examples drawn from The Kings’ Speech (2010) and The Two Popes (2019). More specifically, on the one hand it deals with the difficulties of conveying information related to the acoustic code, by means of the texture and nuances of the voice, paralinguistic traits and background music. On the other it discusses how to transpose meaning from the visual code for a visually impaired audience, focusing especially on information connected with compositional and editing strategies. Finally, it briefly hints at accommodating the translation of multiple languages within audio description.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v43p65

Keywords: accessibility; SDH; captions; audio description; streaming platforms


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