A abstratização de evidenciais no português brasileiro, no espanhol dominicano e no italiano


This article presents the result of an investigation on the development of more abstracted microconstructions based on predicative lexical evidential structured with the prototypical dicendi verb. Three Romance languages ​​were contrasted: Brazilian Portuguese (BP) (dizer), Spanish (ESP) (decir) and Italian (IT) (dire). The evidential semantic domain concerns the source of the enunciated knowledge (Aikhenvald 2004; Casseb-Galvão 2001) and its coding can occur by lexical and/or procedural elements. The main hypothesis involves the recognition that across languages more prototypical lexical uses originate processes of constructional changes of abstract evidentials, with grammatical or discursive meanings, as [diski], in PB, (decir), in ESP and si dice che, in IT.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v39p51

Keywords: Evidentiality; Romance languages, verb to say; abstractization.


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