Гендерный подход к понятию национального в женской литературе. Проза современных российских писательниц


After drastic changes in the all fields of Russian life after 1991 there emerged attempts in Russian literature of the following decades to conceive the existing cultural situation and find new ideas and symbols. The prominent feature of this process was a radical change of women gender perception, greatly influenced by rapid modification of everyday life as well as a flood of information from the West. The women’s writings of the period demonstrate various genres, esthetical and ideological trends. It is interesting that the attempts of self-identification in new circumstances are connected with aspiration of some writers (T. Nabatnikova, L. Ulitskaya, E. Isayeva, S. Vasilenko, A. Marinina) to formulate basic concepts of what is called a new national idea. Their texts demonstrate attempts to destroy outdated myths and build up new ones, based on modern conceptions. Thus gender reconsideration in contemporary Russian literature gets wider socio-cultural and political measurement.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v37p9

Keywords: Russian women-writers national; gender; mythologeme; literary discourse; complex of ideas; verbatim


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