Multimodalidad y traducción intersemiótica accesible en entornos museísticos


This paper offers the most relevant results of the teaching innovation project Inclusive Culture through Translation, a project funded by the Teaching Innovation Unit of the University of Granada. This project focuses on implementing innovative approaches to the theory and training of professional translation through the use of universal accessibility to museums and art spaces as a teaching tool. As regards the contents, we worked with certain exhibitis and audiovisual products of the Memory Museum of Andalusia in Granada (posters, panels, labels and videos, among others), which comprised a multimodal innovative source text, in the sense that it was the source of translation material, a documentary source and a new learning space. A number of accessible contents were implemented to users with sensory disabilities and new samples of multimodal teaching materials in different languages and with different levels of specialisation were created, thanks to resources such as audio description of videos for blind users, Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and easy reading in different media such as video or audio, in the case of users with some type of cognitive disability. This paper describes some of the main terminological problems associated with accessible multimodal and audiovisual translation in museums by using examples from different specialised multimodal texts.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v35p223

Keywords: Accessible translation; Museum; Easy reading; Audio description; Subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing


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