Il passato coloniale e l’inarchiviabile. Le pratiche artistiche di Délio Jasse tra memoria e archivi in movimento


Abstract – Through the gaze of the Angolan artist Délio Jasse I will try to deepen the relationship that links memory, identity and image by proposing a critical reflection to rethink the colonial past consisting of fragments, memories and the repressed that build his artistic production. Jasse's investigation emerges out from documents, traces and debris and he creates new narratives; the artist is interested in bringing out individual, collective, personal and anonymous stories and memories; his art is characterized by focusing on hybrid identities, bodies, space and mobility. I will examine in what terms his photographic work weaves identity, private and collective memory, post-memory and how his artistic practices, by inventing new languages and manipulating the tracks, are a continuous questioning of the unarchivability.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v32p387

Keywords: archive; artistic practices; memory; colonial past; Portuguese Empire


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