Um percurso do arcaico para o moderno no léxico português: a incorporação de nomes próprios. O deantroponímico Maria


Abstract – The term deonomastics was introduced in 1982 by Enzo La Stella, who defined with this word the study of the lexical units, the expressions and the univeral formations that are born of the proper names, through various forms of derivation, whether morphological (by suffix, prefix or composition), or semantics (per reinterpretation, antonomasia, metaphor, metonymy or other type of meaning change). The present contribution intends to return the subject to request an investigation that adequately highlights this path of current linguistics that would require further development in the Lusitanian sphere, especially given the extensive material currently available in the network to deepen the diffusion of deonomastics.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v32p337

Keywords: Lexicography; deonomastics; popular language


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