Português como língua de herança: memória e constituição da subjetividade


Abstract – The language of migrants, their children, adopted children and all those who, in a migratory situation, find themselves in difficulty or unable to express themselves in their mother tongue or inherited by family or affective ties, has always been slighted or neglected, even banned by the governments and/or communities that welcome these migrants, banished, exiled, adopted. To emphasize the importance of the language of inheritance (LH) and to indicate possibilities of maintaining Portuguese as an inheritance language (PLH) is the objective of our study. The theoretical framework called here to guide our discussion about the role of linguistic and cultural memory in the constitution of subjects, especially descendants of migrants, are of the order of psychoanalysis, philosophical anthropology and social pedagogy.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v32p211

Keywords: heritage language; Portuguese as a heritage language; memory; migrants


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