Uso enfático-discursivo de Lá e Cá no PE. Uma análise com base em dados ficcionais


Abstract – The study of deixis consists in a prolific field for the development of functional and pragmatic studies and, also, for the study of the relation between syntax and pragmatics. The observation of verbal activity allows us to understand that the value of an utterance may vary according to the context in which it is produced. Therefore, we can insert the investigations on the linguistic deixis as a process of reference of the language through which the users share contextual information within the group of studies dedicated on the interaction between interlocutors. The linguistic acts are the result of a set of textual and extratextual elements in which the linguistic choices play the main role for the success of the linguistic acts themselves. From the textual point of view, the pragmatic aspects are based on syntactic constructions delineated by the literature in this field (Martins 2012). Here we propose an analysis of the locatives and as elements denoting discursive deixis, that is, as pragmatic elements displaying a relation with the denotation of emphasis in European Portuguese (EP). The study of locatives in EP based on the data from I-Fala corpus (under construction) offers the possibility of confirming the analyses proposed in some recent works, namely Martins (2010, 2012). As argued in Martins (2010, 2012), and behave similarly when it comes to allowing users to achieve their own communicative goals, some of which being the expression of argumentation or metalinguistic negation. Thus, in view of these observations and considering the data collected from I-Fala, we will propose an analysis according to which and function as discursive markers, i.e. as emphatic-textual, interactional metalinguistic operators.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v30p193

Keywords: Portuguese; deixis; pragmatics; locatives; filmic language


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