La memoria sarà una nebbia


Abstract – Technological memory abolishes the passage of time. The elements co-exist but they do so in a fragmented and incoherent way. This might seem like an ecstasy of memory but in reality it is an alienating condition. The endless reproduction of texts, of images, the inexpressive repetition of stories, cancel out the human who distinguishes one fact from another, one story from another. The digital age has tampered with and altered the ways in which the memory processes are developed. The internet stores everything, keeps track of every fact that it records, of every piece of data. Technological tools replace human memory. They take away the function of constituting the trunk for the grafting onto it of new learning, of connoting knowledge with elements intimately linked to one’s personality. Probably, in this age, history has also become the outcome of an insecure memory. But a man without memory has no roots from which to develop a project for the future. A project of the future develops only in a condition of hope. This is how it is for a man and for a people. Therefore, we have an urgency of memory because we have an urgency of hope, as beings, as a society, as a community of destiny.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v27p211

Keywords: Memory; Technology; History; the twentieth century; Future


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