Analisi traduttiva degli aspetti linguistici e culturali nel doppiaggio spagnolo di Breaking Bad


Many studies on AVT have been focused towards different aspects, such as: subtitling, synchronization, oral discourse, dubbing, multimodality, translating strategies, censor, specific cultural aspects, new technologies, teaching methods, accessibility, integrated approaches. Starting from the most recent researches on AVT, this study focuses on the specific cultural and linguistic-specialized aspects of the fictional discourse of the AmericanTV series Breaking Bad, broadcasted in Spain in 2009 by Comedy Central, AMC España, unencrypted by Telemadrid and dubbed by SDI Media of Madrid. The series has also been broadcasted in Argentina since 2008 to 2013, dubbed by Palmera Record in neutral Spanish, according to the regulation of the Decreto 933/2013 by Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. The Ley del Doblaje promotes the standardisation of the dubbing companies (art.5,6,7) and the supremacy of neutral Spanish as the most comprehensible dubbing language for all native Spanish-speakers. This article is based on a comparative study about dubbing translation according to a descriptive approach. It is aimed at identifying the most effective translation techniques in both peninsular Spanish and neutral Spanish, used to achieve the equivalent effect and in order to find out the implicit differences between them and the final effect of the AVT translation.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v28p315

Keywords: dubbing; audiovisual translation; specialized translation; argot translation; neutral Spanish


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