El paisaje lingüístico desde la lingüística perceptiva


Abstract – This piece of research explores the possibilities to analyze the messages that conform the linguistic landscapes in its different levels (unit, sub-unit and sign; Calvi 2016, p. 130), applying the conceptual framework developed by López García (1988, 1989, 1996, 2005) in the Perceptive Linguistic Theory. Specifically, we aim to know if the different modalities of linguistic hybridization that appear in the linguistic landscape documents could be explained applying the concepts devised by the Gestalt Theory to stablish the principles that govern the human perception and organization of visual stimulus (such as figure-ground scheme or the perceptual organization laws). In a complementary way we also study the linguistic landscape in the broader context of the cultural contact history (Burke 2009). The elements that are part of linguistic landscapes are seen together with other artefacts and practices, in specific geographic, temporal and social situations, and they constitute another way to study the relationships that arise among the cultures that merge in the multi-diverse scenarios of our cities. For the purposes of this research we have used commercial signs included in the Linguistic Landscape of Lavapiés (Madrid), a corpus that contains 140 pictures recolected in November 2016.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v25p125

Keywords: linguistic landscape; perceptive linguistics; cultural hybridity; figure-ground; hybrid artefact


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