Las imágenes lingüísticas del paisaje urbano de la migración. Una reflexión metodológica de enfoque pragmático


Abstract – In this article I approach the epistemological vitality of the Linguistic Landscape and address the question of the scientific contribution of the linguistic image to investigate migration as a characterizing element of complexity and dynamism of the city system. The theoretical perspective I adopt is based on Pragmatics and I take advantage of the data from a corpus of texts collected in Milan from 2014 to exemplify it. On the one hand, I argue the referential instability of the images of the Linguistic Landscape; on the other hand, I underline their possible systemic sensitivity. I note by way of conclusion that some of the methodological concerns of Pragmatics can help the Linguistic Landscape to focus its epistemological agenda, as well as some instances of the latter could bring new lymph to some stagnant issues of Pragmatics.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v25p81

Keywords: Linguistic Landscape; postmodern Pragmatics; superdiversity; migration; methodology


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