Job advertisements on Linkedin. Generic integrity and evolution


This paper focuses on job advertisements posted on LinkedIn, a Social Networking Site (SNS) tailored to the workplace environment. The job advertisement is a long-lived genre, which existed mainly in the daily/weekly press environment in the form of classified ad until it migrated to the Web. A further development came from the rise of SNSs: the job advert moved to an online community context, with all the social implications of this fact. The aim is to describe the peculiarities of the LinkedIn job advertisement as a sub-genre, identifying similarities with and differences from job ads posted on other online platforms, as well as from the traditional printed job ads published in newspapers. Findings provide evidence of a significant degree of generic integrity, with some changes due to the migration to the web environment, and even more meaningful changes due to the re-contextualization of the genre in a SNS.



DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v26p197

Keywords: Job advertisement; employment ad; Social Networking Sites; LinkedIn; genre analysis


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