Challenges and strategies in contrasting industrial relations. The English translation of welfare aziendale in company annual reports


The aim of this paper is to investigate the way translators deal with rendering industrial relations concepts in another language. For this purpose, an examination of the strategies adopted to translate the concept of welfare aziendale into English will be carried out in a number of annual reports issued by Italian companies listed on the Stock Exchange. The article aims to cast light on the challenges arising from comparing industrial relations concepts and the effectiveness of the techniques adopted by translators to ensure clarity in the target language. In addition, the article aims to encourage translation studies (TS) scholars to engage in the analysis of comparative industrial relations, a fascinating, though under-researched, field of analysis from a TS perspective.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v28p163

Keywords: translation; comparative analysis; industrial relations; occupational welfare; annual reports


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