Caratteristiche vincenti del nome del prodotto - Successful characteristics of brand names


Abstract – Whether it is a product, a service, a company or a website, there is always a name behind a brand, which is often identified much earlier than any other brand element. That name is essential to develop a successful brand. Nowadays brands have become one of the most valuable assets for companies and Brand Naming consultancy aims at developing names which will have the power to become real brands. A brand name should be distinctive, legally protectable and easy to pronounce in many different languages. This paper focuses on the distinctive methodologies and procedures like the Naming DESC, the Naming Circle or the Naming Strategy conceived by Béatrice Ferrari during the last decades, which aim at facilitating the understanding and the practice of the discipline.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v22p9

Keywords: brand naming; naming DESC; naming circle; naming strategy; brand architecture


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