Learners' awareness and attitude towards ELF. A pilot study in an Italian University context


This paper presents the initial results of a pilot study conducted at the University of Calabria, (Italy). The purpose was to investigate learners’ attitudes and beliefs towards ELF issues and the relationship between ELF awareness and classroom practices. In particular, it aims to explore learners’ awareness of the plurality of English in evolving sociolinguistic environments and their attitudes towards learning and teaching English as a second language at the University level. It is argued that although ELF empirical findings and theoretical arguments have raised profound concerns about current principles and practices in ELT, the classroom world has not been greatly affected by these issues. Through the analysis of the findings, this paper draws attention to the need to reconsider learners’ established beliefs in terms of learning and teaching goals. It is highlighted that learners need to be encouraged to become critical language users, capable of evaluating the cultural and linguistic input provided in class, from an ELF-oriented perspective, and therefore become actively engaged in their learning process.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v26p157

Keywords: ELF Awareness; language attitudes; intercultural communication; critical pedagogies; expanding horizons.


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