Le strategie di comunicazione delle masserie di lusso “Made in Puglia”: l’impatto dell’inglese ‘lingua franca’ sulle emozioni dei turisti


Abstract – The growing attention on sustainability in the luxury sectors is particularly important for certain areas, such as the Apulia region (Italy), characterized by the presence of typical types of accommodation (i.e., old manor farms). This work analyses the communication strategies of Apulian manor farms by identifying the stimuli able to induce positive emotions in foreign consumers. In this regard, the use of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) is particularly useful to enhance communication strategies. The results show that the use of ELF produces negative emotions compared to alternative stimuli (i.e., the Italian language and photos). On these bases, the chapter provides practical insights for promotional communication, as well as indications for future research.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v20p151

Keywords: English as a Lingua Franca (ELF); emotions; tourism; sustainable luxury; manor farms


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