Le emozioni suscitate dall’inglese come lingua franca nella comunicazione dei prodotti di lusso “made in Puglia”: l’influenza del contesto culturale


Abstract – Recent studies have cast light on how companies communicate in an international context using English as a “Lingua Franca” (ELF – English as a Lingua Franca). The use of English in the marketing strategy of advertising campaigns is based on the assumption that ELF has the status of a “neutral language” and of a “non culturally-marked” communication tool. Despite these beliefs, ELF can be considered as a means of communicating the speakers’ cultures. This chapter aims to identify the different emotions triggered by ELF in the marketing communication of “Made in Puglia” luxury products in different cultural contexts. In particular, it highlights how in high-context (vs. low) cultures, ELF communication of luxury brands triggers an emotional response of high (vs. low) intensity producing, in addition, a high intensity of external (vs. internal) emotions.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v20p125

Keywords: communication; luxury; English as a Lingua Franca; cultural context


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