Una proposta multimodale per il marketing premozionale dell’Apulianluxury: la Puglia come espressione del turismo di lusso responsabile


Abstract – This study introduces an innovative ‘premotional’ marketing strategy for the emotional promotion of responsible luxury tourism in Apulia, labelled as “#Apulianluxury”, which has been developed for this specific research to increase the appeal of the region by focusing on its natural, social, and cultural properties. In particular, this paper will illustrate the cognitive and linguistic grounds of a number of premotional messages that aim at attracting potential receivers by activating in them an alternative perception of the holiday as an experience of cultural and personal growth. Such perception is stimulated by the interaction between the ‘luxury tourism’ and ‘responsible tourism’ schemata, which leads to the ‘expected’/‘unexpected’ cognitive oppositions in the examined advertisements. The analysis of the selected corpus of multimodal texts will enquire into the extent to which the lexical, structural and pragmatic attributes of English as a lingua franca interact with the visual features of the messages so as to provide the alternative view of the holiday, and increase the cross-cultural accessibility of this premotional campaign. In fact, the connection between the lexical and syntactic simplification strategies and the visual representations allow tourists to trigger the pragmatic inferences that determine the appropriate identification and interpretation of the illocutionary force and perlocutionary effects pursued by the Apulian characterization of responsible luxury tourism under discussion

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v20p17

Keywords: Cognitive-functional approach to multimodal discourse; luxury tourism; responsible tourism; premotional marketing; English as a Lingua Franca


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