Il ruolo della trascrizione multimodale nell’analisi e traduzione dell’ibridazione audiovisiva


Abstract – This chapter deals with a research carried out at the University of Salento, which investigates the support of multimodal transcription at the time of analysing and translating the audiovisual texts that are characterised by genre hybridisation. A group of undergraduate students was asked to produce an Italian reformulation of the video A Beginner’s Guide to Gender-neutral Restrooms (NBC News), available on YouTube, which displays a peculiar interaction between the journalistic discourse, the humorous one grounded on socio-cultural stereotypes and derogatory representations (Zillman 1983), and the ‘video guide’ genre. Since the target versions stem from the adoption of an original model of multimodal transcription, this contribution shall help to explore the extent to which the critical analysis (Fairclough 2010) of the linguistic and extralinguistic construction facilitates the awareness of how the locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary levels (Austin 1962) are conveyed by means of the fusion of the verbal, visual and acoustic dimensions. Finally, the responses to two questionnaires before and after analysing and adapting the selected video will be considered as well, so as to detail the influence of the type of transcription under discussion on the selection of the most appropriate translation mode.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v18p65

Keywords: audiovisual translation; multimodal transcription; Critical Discourse Analysis; interlinguistic analysis; multimodal hybridisation


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