Analisi del testo e traduzione. Una proposta euristica


Abstract – The article makes the case for a heuristic approach to textual analysis and translation. The various examples discussed in the article, taken from “minor” plays by Shakespeare, highlight the importance of mixing linguistic, cultural, and cognitive perspectives to expose the layered meanings of texts, cope with the difficulties and doubts they trigger, and underscore the hermeneutic import of the translator’s choices for their translation. Such a theoretically sound but not rigid approach would not only allow critics to go beyond such restrictive limits as the artificial separation of linguistic and literary studies; it would also strengthen the hermeneutic dimension of translation as a concrete practice to adapt to the texts’ requests and to account for their complex and multifaceted nature.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v18p13

Keywords: Stylistics; Cognitive Linguistics; Conceptual Integration Theory; Relevance Theory; Shakespeare, William


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