Integrazione e apprendimento: i prodotti cinetelevisivi come strumento didattico linguistico e culturale per il mediatore e il migrante


Abstract – Finding their rightful place in the hosting country becomes easier to migrants if they acquire good knowledge of the country’s culture and language. Similarly, excellent knowledge of the hosting and the migrants’ cultures and languages – both general and technical – is required of cultural mediators, who find themselves operating in a range of highly sensitive specialised fields, such as the medical, educational, legal, and administrative contexts. The current paper outlines the specific features of TV and filmic productions and illustrates their educational potential, through a review of the existing literature. In fact, TV and narrative filmic productions have proven to be multifunctional and powerful tools for the teaching and (autonomous) learning of explicit as well as implicit culture, and also for improving listening-comprehension skills, reading skills and vocabulary. The ultimate aim of the chapter is to help mediators become informed and attentive viewers, able to take the greatest advantage from filmic productions in terms of language and culture learning, and to guide migrants in the use of these powerful tools for integration.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v16p237

Keywords: teaching; learning; culture; language; films


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